What is 16 CFR 1700.20: Ensuring Child Safety Through Packaging


In the world of packaging, safety is paramount. A key player in this realm is 16 CFR 1700.20, a regulation that has redefined packaging standards for consumer safety.

What is 16 CFR 1700.20?

16 CFR 1700.20 is part of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA). It outlines rigorous testing procedures for child-resistant packaging, ensuring that hazardous products are secured from curious little hands.

The Importance of Child-Resistant Packaging:

Child-resistant packaging is crucial in preventing accidental poisonings in children. This standard helps manufacturers create packaging that is challenging for children under five to open, yet accessible to adults.

Testing Criteria Under 16 CFR 1700.20:

To meet these standards, packaging must pass specific tests. These include being difficult for 85% of tested children to open in the first five minutes and 80% during a ten-minute test, while also being easy for adults to use.

Beyond Child Safety: Adult Accessibility:

While focusing on child safety, 16 CFR 1700.20 also ensures that adults, including seniors, can easily access the contents of the packaging, balancing safety with practicality.


Understanding and adhering to 16 CFR 1700.20 is crucial for any business in the packaging industry. At CoolJarz, we pride ourselves on offering a range of products like pre-roll tubes and pop-top containers that meet these important safety standards, ensuring both child safety and adult convenience.